Over the past couple weeks the fireplace at this timber house has been completed and we have installed the mantel.…
At one project we are working on we have a fireplace going in. The rough construction has been done for…
A week didn’t make a lot of progress on the current door project in the shop, I am trying to…
I am finally back to working on the door I have supposed to have been working on for the last…
…well we made it.Another 150,000,000 miles or so, that long trip around our sun…This, of course, is not even a…
A long time since my last post here.We now have some snow and have seen below zero temps.Not a lot…
I have been working in the shop on two sets of arched doors for a contractor in the Twin Cities.…
Last week I was involved in one of those moments in time that come along occasionally… The assemble of the…
.and so ends out baseball season:http://www.elyecho.com/main.asp?SectionID=12&SubSectionID=12&ArticleID=11443&TM=36463.53 One of the things the article failed to mention is the pouring rain in…
A recent shop project I finished. Make sure your volume is working: