There is a secret treasure in Ely. I was unaware of it myself until a few years ago, even though…
An old acquaintance I hadn’t heard from in years called yesterday and we had a fun conversation. I had the…
Some progress on a door I am building.The doors are hard to see progress on because the parts are all…
The winter weather and the snow and the Holidays have slowed things down a bit. There’s a few less working…
Some pictures of the project this week.
…and the nice weather continues… This new project we are working on is turning out pretty cool. We built this…
The weather has been unseasonable warm lately. Highs in the mid 70s and sunny. It’s been like this all week…I…
Back to the water access site on Burntside… As we approach, we can see the gable glass is now installed:…
I guess I’ve gotten a bit lazy over the summer and not posted much here. We have been working on…
This project was, for the most part, finished a couple months ago, but I was there this past week installing…