Some pictures from October and December of 2019, we did manage to get the place closed in before the snow came. We have had a few cold days this year but overall a pretty mild winter in terms of temperature. Temps have not gotten above freezing since probably November sometime so all the snow that came often and heavy early on is all still with us. This picture was taken in October before the snow started:

A shot from the inside looking out the great room windows at the lake before the insulation went in the walls:

The back wall exterior with the LP board and batten siding going on and the Marvin windows in.

This last picture was taken in December of 2019. It is February as I write this and winter is well under way, in fact we are all starting to think spring is just around the corner. Days are getting longer and the sun is strong. The last few days have been beautiful sunny winter days, crisp and cold with 26 below zero this morning and some soft fluffy snow around from the last few days.
If one can set aside the day to day tasks that need getting done for a moment and just look around at the woods and the snow, the beauty of winter in the North can really be appreciated.