Moving into the spring and early summer, we managed to get the timber scissor trusses in place so that we could get the last center section of roof on and finally we are out of the weather:

Here is a shot of the great room looking at the start of the fireplace. We have the timber trusses and the roof overhead and the fireplace unit sort of in the area where it will live and starting to form the general shape of the rock fireplace:

In the mean time, the siding continues on the exterior of the building. We are using the LP shingle siding on pretty much everything, (still unsure about the base of the building, maybe rock there).

On one wing of the house the siding is finished on the lakeside and the end. A lot of careful detail work with roof and siding around all these dormers.

It is August 20, 2022 as I write this. A lot of the bug activity has lessened, (or maybe we have just gotten used to them), at least we are not fighting and breathing in the tiny black flies anymore.
Days are starting to get noticeable shorter. We have had plenty of rain in the north, I hear it is a good year for berries but I have not gotten out much to see except for the Juneberries which were hanging heavy on the trees into early August. A couple weeks ago I spent a little time walking around grabbing Juneberries and eating them, it struck me how bland the blueberries tasted after eating Juneberrries. It's always seemed odd to me that everyone talks only about blueberries. Here in August now it is the Raspberries that are everywhere...