Sometimes I find a picture of a face that just cries out to be drawn.
This was one of those faces.
I was intrigued by the reflection in the sunglasses. It could be any guy standing anywhere but you can see by the reflections, he is clearly standing in a dugout at a baseball field. Could be any dugout, any baseball field, any town… but the cap in unmistakeably Blizzard.
The picture was posted on twitter by the owner of the owner of the Minnesota Baseball Academy, Adam Barta.
…anyway, I felt compelled to take this on as a project for myself. The drawing measures 17″ wide by 20″ high. It is graphite pencil on Bristol board:
“Coach Dempsey”, 17″x20″ pencil drawing on Bristol Board. |
Close-up detail of the face, pencil drawing by John Huisman, Ely Minnesota |
Detail of reflection in sunglasses on a pencil drawing by John Huisman, Ely Mn |
Close-up detail, pencil drawing by John Huisman |
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