This is a lake home we started building a little over a year ago. Through the process the homeowner throws out ideas and we make tweaks here and there and at some point I try to make some sketches of what I think some part of the building will actually look like so we all are pretty sure we are on the same page.
Once we got the footings laid out and poured last summer some time, I was able to make some good representational sketches of the entry drive-through portico:

Sometime in the December of 2018, we got the log pieces made and assembled. Here are the guys fitting the second ridge pole onto the assembled structure... Things are coming together.

It's been a mild winter so far though in the last few days of 2018 we got quite a bit of snow in the northern Minnesota area. And this morning, on the first day of the new year we had nearly 20 below zero in Ely.
It will be interesting to see what 2019 has in store for us.