It was a snow day yesterday. They had predicted 4-6″ the day before, but it started snowing hard in the later afternoon and by the time I went to bed, (I’m and 8:30 bedtime guy), there was pretty much no doubt that this was going to be a big one.
Friday 4/19/13, school canceled… so I had some help shoveling.
Patrick made the first attempt to move beyond the doors of the house and shoveled this path out to the shop:
Then we started thinking about the next step, getting my wife to work. There was no way her car was going anywhere. It does great in the snow with it’s new snow tires, but this was way beyond just having some good tires. I was wondering if it was even a good idea to try it with the truck, but we decided to go for it….
Once we got down the hill we found the neighbor on their way out too, apparently his wife was also an enthusiastic and dedicated team member at her place of employment. Unfortunately there was an unexpected obstacle in the form of a plow truck that had, in it’s attempts to move this wet heavy snow, had become quite stuck in our path.
We all spent an enjoyable half hour or so, shoveling and trudging and digging, maybe even cussing a bit… you know, real guy stuff… good times.
We eventually got him moving and we were able to make our way to town.
Sometimes people wonder why calender parking stays in effect until May… |
I spent the next few hours with the snowblower, clearing off the driveway.
After noon I had to go check up on one of the lake places that I look after.
The road in was not plowed at all. I decided to get in as far as I could before starting to walk.
I was pretty sure this was not a good idea, but I had fairly new tires and it felt OK. My front license plate was plowing about 6″ of snow. I went as far as a dared like this and then got out and walked.
This would have been a good day to have some snowshoes in the truck. I trudged the half mile or so in to the house. It really was a very nice day in the woods and out of the wind and I enjoyed the walk once I realized I just needed to take it slow… Funny thing about a snow day, if you can just step back and look at it, you realize there is really nothing else you can do except just live and breathe.
…seems like the forecast changes about every 5 minutes but we are all hoping for some warm weather real soon. As fun as all this snow is, it’s time for spring. By the time the high school baseball team can get on the field we will have lost over half the season…